IRIX 6.5 Applications 1999 May
SGI IRIX 6.5 Applications 1999 May.iso
Text File
397 lines
IIIIMMMMPPPPRRRRIIIINNNNTTTT((((1111)))) IIIImmmmpppprrrreeeessssssssaaaarrrriiiioooo IIIIMMMMPPPPRRRRIIIINNNNTTTT((((1111))))
imprint - converts text files to PostScript, similar to Adobe
iiiimmmmpppprrrriiiinnnntttt [----1111] [----2222] [----BBBB] [----bbbb headerText]
[----cccc] [----dddd printerName] [----FFFF hfontNameSize]
[----ffff fontNameSize] [----GGGG] [----gggg] [----hhhh]
[----LLLL maxLines] [----llll] [----mmmm] [----nnnn numCopies]
[----oooo printerOptions] [----pppp outFilename] [----qqqq]
[----rrrr] [----RRRR] [----tttt bannerTitle] [----wwww]
[text file ...]
_i_m_p_r_i_n_t formats text files using the PostScript page description language
and prints these files on a PostScript capable printer. The program
provides a wide variety of formatting options including multiple column
output, page rotation, font selection and page decoration.
TTTTeeeexxxxtttt FFFFiiiilllleeee IIIInnnnppppuuuutttt
One or more text files can be specified on the command line. If no files
are specified on the command line, _i_m_p_r_i_n_t will read from the standard
input. Currently, _i_m_p_r_i_n_t can accept plain text files in a number of
languages. The program has successfully formatted English, French,
German, and Russian (cyrillic) text files and theoretically should be
able to handle any language that can be expressed using an Adobe Type 1
font in a horizontal writing direction. _i_m_p_r_i_n_t cannot currently handle
Adobe Type 0 composite fonts or vertical writing directions.
Besides plain text files, _i_m_p_r_i_n_t can accept text files that contain
formatting control characters and special escape sequences. The most
common example of such files are formatted _n_r_o_f_f manual pages. _i_m_p_r_i_n_t
has successfully handled the complex formatting produced by the _t_b_l and
_e_q_n programs. The following control characters and escape sequences are
recognized by _i_m_p_r_i_n_t:
NNNNaaaammmmeeee CCCChhhhaaaarrrr CCCCooooddddeeee DDDDeeeessssccccrrrriiiippppttttiiiioooonnnn
Null 0x00 No action
Bell ^G 0x07 Audible bell
Backspace ^H 0x08 Reverse one character
H Tab ^I 0x09 Forward to next multiple of 8
Newline ^J 0x0A Start new line
V Tab ^K 0x0B Down one line
Formfeed ^L 0x0C Begin new page or column
Return ^M 0x0D Reverse to start of line
Shift Out ^N 0x0E No action
Shift In ^O 0x0F No action
Esc 0x1B Begin escape sequence
Esc-7 Reverse full line feed
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 1111
IIIIMMMMPPPPRRRRIIIINNNNTTTT((((1111)))) IIIImmmmpppprrrreeeessssssssaaaarrrriiiioooo IIIIMMMMPPPPRRRRIIIINNNNTTTT((((1111))))
Esc-8 Reverse half line feed
Esc-9 Forward half line feed
Esc-D Guady header left box text
Esc-H Gaudy header filename area text
Esc-U Gaudy user comment area text
Esc-F Font change sequence
See the SSSSppppeeeecccciiiiaaaallll EEEEssssccccaaaappppeeee SSSSeeeeqqqquuuueeeennnncccceeeessss section below for details on the Esc-D,
Esc-H, Esc-U and Esc-F sequences.
Control characters and escape sequences not listed above will cause
_i_m_p_r_i_n_t to issue a warning indicating the offending character and its
location in the text file. To prevent inadvertently attempting to format
a binary file, _i_m_p_r_i_n_t will terminate the processing of any file that
contains more than fifty unrecognized characters unless the ----gggg option has
been specified (see below). To ensure the proper processing of text files
the international locale should be established either by setting the LLLLAAAANNNNGGGG
environment variable prior to running _i_m_p_r_i_n_t.
PPPPoooossssttttSSSSccccrrrriiiipppptttt OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt
_i_m_p_r_i_n_t produces Level 1 PostScript code formatted in compliance with the
Adobe Document Structuring Conventions, Version 3.0. The output
PostScript data sent to the printer is 7-bit clean even when the input
data is not.
CCCCoooommmmmmmmaaaannnndddd LLLLiiiinnnneeee OOOOppppttttiiiioooonnnnssss
----1111 Format text into a single column. This is the default.
----2222 Format text into two columns. Typically, when using two
columns, the font size should be reduced to avoid excessive
line wrapping.
----BBBB By default, _i_m_p_r_i_n_t places a simple header at the top of each
page. This header consists of the date, time, file pathname
and page number. Specifying the ----BBBB switch omits the header.
----bbbb _h_e_a_d_e_r_T_e_x_t
Specifies a comment to be placed on the page header. For the
default header, the _h_e_a_d_e_r_T_e_x_t will replace the file pathname.
If the ----GGGG option is specified, the _h_e_a_d_e_r_T_e_x_t will be placed
above the file pathname.
----cccc By default, _i_m_p_r_i_n_t wraps text lines that are too long for the
column. The ----cccc option causes long text lines to be clipped
rather than wrapped to the next line.
----dddd _p_r_i_n_t_e_r_N_a_m_e
If the ----pppp option is not specified, ----dddd specifies a destination
printer for which the text files are to be formatted and
printed. _p_r_i_n_t_e_r_n_a_m_e is the name of the printer as registered
with the printer spooling system (see _p_r_i_n_t_e_r_s(1M) for
information on printer installation). The printer may be
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 2222
IIIIMMMMPPPPRRRRIIIINNNNTTTT((((1111)))) IIIImmmmpppprrrreeeessssssssaaaarrrriiiioooo IIIIMMMMPPPPRRRRIIIINNNNTTTT((((1111))))
physically attached to the system or it may be a network
printer. If a printer has not been specified, the system
default printer will be used. If the ----pppp option is specified,
the text files are formatted for the specified printer but are
sent instead to the specified output file. In this case, if a
printer has not been specified, the text files are formatted
assuming a generic environment.
----FFFF _h_f_o_n_t_N_a_m_e_S_i_z_e
Specifies the font name and point size to use for the default
page header. The default header font is Courier-Bold10. Note
that this option has no effect when the gaudy header is used.
See the FFFFoooonnnnttttssss section below for additional information.
----ffff _f_o_n_t_N_a_m_e_S_i_z_e
Specifies the font name and point size to use for the body
text. The default body font is normally Courier10. When rotated
(----rrrr), two-column (----2222) formatting is specified, the default body
font becomes Courier7. See the FFFFoooonnnnttttssss section below for
additional information.
----GGGG Provides a more elaborate page decoration and header than the
default header. The date, time, file pathname and page number
are provided along with a space for a user supplied comment
(see ----bbbb).
----gggg _i_m_p_r_i_n_t recognizes plain text characters, a number of common
control characters and a set of special escape sequences. All
other characters cause a warning message to be issued
identifying the character and its location in the input file.
If more than 50 characters in a file are unrecognized, the
processing of that file terminates. This prevents inadvertently
attempting to format a binary file. If a file is to be
formatted that contains unrecognizable characters, the ----gggg
option should be specified. This silences all unrecognized
character warnings and allows an unlimited number of
unrecognized characters to be processed.
----hhhh Specifies that a banner page should not be printed.
----LLLL _m_a_x_L_i_n_e_s
Normally, _i_m_p_r_i_n_t places as many lines of text on the page as
will fit (equivalent to specifying _m_a_x_L_i_n_e_s as 0). The ----LLLL
option places a maximum limit on the number of lines placed on
a page or column. The number of lines actually produced will
be either _m_a_x_L_i_n_e_s or the number that can fit on the page
whichever is less.
----llll Specifies a line printer emulation mode. In this mode page
headers are omitted and 66 lines per page are printed. This
mode should be specified when printing preformatted _n_r_o_f_f
manual pages.
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 3333
IIIIMMMMPPPPRRRRIIIINNNNTTTT((((1111)))) IIIImmmmpppprrrreeeessssssssaaaarrrriiiioooo IIIIMMMMPPPPRRRRIIIINNNNTTTT((((1111))))
----mmmm Causes mail to be sent after the text files have been printed.
This option has no effect when the ----pppp option is specified.
----nnnn _n_u_m_C_o_p_i_e_s
Prints _n_u_m_C_o_p_i_e_s of each page. One copy is the default. When
the ----pppp option is specified a single copy of the output is
provided and the ----nnnn option is ignored.
----oooo _p_r_i_n_t_e_r_O_p_t_i_o_n_s
Allows printer specific options to be specified. See the _l_p(1)
manual page for details on this option.
----pppp _o_u_t_F_i_l_e_n_a_m_e
Sends the PostScript output to the specified file rather than
to a printer. If _o_u_t_F_i_l_e_n_a_m_e is specified as '-', the output is
sent to the standard output. If a printer has been specified,
the output is formatted for that printer (i.e margins, page
size, etc.). If a printer has not been specified, a generic
environment is assumed.
----qqqq Normally, _i_m_p_r_i_n_t displays summary information when it has
completed formatting the text files. The ----qqqq option runs the
program in silent mode and no summary information is printed.
Errors and warnings cannot be silenced.
----RRRR Specifies non-rotated orientation and is the default. This is
typically a portrait orientation.
----rrrr Specifies that the text columns should be rotated 90 degrees
counter- clockwise. This is typically a landscape orientation.
----tttt _b_a_n_n_e_r_T_i_t_l_e
Specifies a banner page title for the print job.
----wwww Causes a message to be sent after the text files have been
printed. This option has no effect when the ----pppp option is
_i_m_p_r_i_n_t can utilize the fonts found in the directory /_u_s_r/_l_i_b/_D_P_S/_A_F_M.
The full font name may be specified or one of the font name abbreviations
listed in the table below may be used.
FFFFuuuullllllll NNNNaaaammmmeeee AAAAbbbbbbbbrrrreeeevvvviiiiaaaattttiiiioooonnnn
Courier C
Courier-Bold CB
Courier-BoldOblique CBO
Courier-Oblique CO
Helvetica H
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 4444
IIIIMMMMPPPPRRRRIIIINNNNTTTT((((1111)))) IIIImmmmpppprrrreeeessssssssaaaarrrriiiioooo IIIIMMMMPPPPRRRRIIIINNNNTTTT((((1111))))
Helvetica-Bold HB
Helvetica-BoldOblique HBO
Helvetica-Oblique HO
Symbol S
Times-Bold TB
Times-BoldItalic TBI
Times-Italic TI
Times-Roman T
AvantGarde-Book AGB
AvantGarde-BookOblique AGBO
AvantGarde-Demi AGD
AvantGarde-DemiOblique AGDO
Bookman-Demi BD
Bookman-DemiItalic BDI
Bookman-Light BL
Bookman-LightItalic BLI
Helvetica-Narrow HN
Helvetica-Narrow-Bold HNB
Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique HNBO
Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique HNO
NewCenturySchlbk-Bold NCSB
NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic NCSBI
NewCenturySchlbk-Italic NCSI
NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NCSR
Palatino-Bold PB
Palatino-BoldItalic PBI
Palatino-Italic PI
Palatino-Roman PR
ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZCMI
ZapfDingbats ZD
If a font is specified that is not found in the font directory, Courier
will be substituted. Note that a fixed-width font such as Courier should
be used when printing tabular material and preformatted manual pages.
SSSSppppeeeecccciiiiaaaallll EEEEssssccccaaaappppeeee SSSSeeeeqqqquuuueeeennnncccceeeessss
_i_m_p_r_i_n_t recognizes a number of special escape sequences. These sequences
can be embedded in a text file to change header text and switch fonts
during processing of the file. The escape sequences are compatible with
those used by the _e_n_s_c_r_i_p_t program from the Adobe TranScript product. The
sequences are:
EEEEssssccccaaaappppeeee SSSSeeeeqqqquuuueeeennnncccceeee DDDDeeeessssccccrrrriiiippppttttiiiioooonnnn
Esc-D(_t_o_p)(_b_o_t_t_o_m) Gaudy header left box text
Esc-H_h_e_a_d_e_r_T_e_x_t Gaudy header filename area text
Esc-U_c_o_m_m_e_n_t_T_e_x_t Gaudy user comment area text
Esc-F_c Font change sequence (see _t_e_x_t_2_p_s(1))
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 5555
IIIIMMMMPPPPRRRRIIIINNNNTTTT((((1111)))) IIIImmmmpppprrrreeeessssssssaaaarrrriiiioooo IIIIMMMMPPPPRRRRIIIINNNNTTTT((((1111))))
1. Printing a preformatted manual page to the default printer:
pcat csh.z | imprint -l
2. Printing a file to the printer 'dj' in two column, landscape mode
with a gaudy header:
imprint -d dj -2rG /etc/passwd
1. the _i_m_p_r_i_n_t program runs the _t_e_x_t_2_p_s program to perform the work for
formatting the text files and the _l_p program to print them. Refer to
the manual pages for these programs for detailed information on
formatting and printing issues.
2. The PostScript output produced by _i_m_p_r_i_n_t conforms to the Adobe
PostScript Document Structuring Conventions Version 3.0 as specified
in Appendix G of the "PostScript Language Reference Manual", 2nd
3. If _i_m_p_r_i_n_t is given an unrecognized or incomplete command line
option switch, it will print a warning message to the standard
error, ignore the option and continue processing.
4. If a file is specified on the command line, _i_m_p_r_i_n_t will not read
its stdin for text files.
5. _i_m_p_r_i_n_t can only process a single file when reading from standard
6. Use a of proportional spaced font or dynamically changing fonts when
formatting manual pages can cause misformatting of tables.
If the environment variable IIIIMMMMPPPPRRRRIIIINNNNTTTT is set, _i_m_p_r_i_n_t will treat the
contents of this variable as command line options. For example, if
IIIIMMMMPPPPRRRRIIIINNNNTTTT has been set to '-2rG', _i_m_p_r_i_n_t will print in two-column, rotated
mode with a gaudy header whenever it is invoked. Options specified on the
command line override environment variable options.
/usr/sbin/imprint Program file
/usr/lib/print/text2ps Text formatting filter
/usr/bin/lp Printing program
text2ps(1), lp(1)
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 6666